Project Three
3. My third project is to share what I had started 3 years ago. It is very suitable for a person with long journeys, however it can also benefit those traveling daily for more than 10 minutes.
While driving, I will usually listen to the audio files of Life of Prophet Muhammad lectured by As Syahid Ustaz Anwar. The complete lecture consists of 3 volumes CDs; a Meccan Period and 2 Medina Period with each volume containing 18-20 audio files. His lectures were based on a few sierah books among them were sierah by Ibn Ishaq/Ibnu Hisyam, Life of Prophet Muhammad by Ibn Katheer, Za'ad Al Ma'ad by Ibn Qayyim and references to Al Bidayah Wa Nihayah by Ibnu Katheer.
A very comprehensive lecture that I have completed listening to for more than 5 times trying harder to memorize and understand after each repetition.
The price is on me. Just pm me your name and address if interested. It will take a while for me to burn the CDs.
But there is a condition, a promise to listen and finished at least 5 lectures in the first Meccan CD and a duaa' to As Syahid who gave the fine lecture. Each lecture is about 50 minutes duration.
Why listen to this CD?
Easy for travelers to know more about our Nabi and his struggle in order for us to receive the message about Islam.
1. Know our Nabi better and this will increase the feeling of love and longing for him insyaAllah.
2. Once said by Amru bin Al As a companion of the Prophet, a general who opened Egypt and an advisor during the Ummayah Caliphs, "I have my childern learn and study The Life Of our Prophet as they learn and study The Quran." Quran was revealed during the life of The Last Prophet and by knowing his sierah we learn the hadith, learn the hukum, learn ashabu nuzul of The Quran, we learn about companions, we learn about the good deeds, we learn what The Prophet like and what he dislike and we learn how are we supposed to live. Whose life or the way of living is better than the prophet?
3. Our Prophets and his great sahabi should be our role models. How are we and our zuriat are to follow them if we barely know them; the way they live, their character, their sacrifices, how they perceive the world, how they love Allah and His Messenger, various hukum that were revealed involve them and their outstanding exemplary deeds. Most of us know about the celebrities more and encourage our kids to know too rather than knowing the great sahabi. How many of us know there is a person names Saad bin Muadz whose death shook The Arash? How many of us know there exist a person named Bara' bin Malik who the Prophet said that if he evoke Allah, Allah will answer to him. Bara' is the younger brother to more well known Anas bin Malik.
4. Listening to this lecture insyaAllah will make us feel how small this world is comparing to the greatness of hereafter thus making us longing to meet Allah and His Prophet.
Islamic MLM, spread anything good with minimum charges possible and harvest it huge in hereafter.
Do not forget your duaa' to the presenter who spent the last of his life in dakwah and died a syahid, insyaAllah.
This is the final part of this series. All good is from Allah and may Allah forgive me for my weakness and inadequacy.
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!